Fèis Òigridh (An Dàmhair) 

More information about our October Fèis Week 2024 will be available soon – see you then!

Anns an Dàmhair seo, tha sinn a’ tabhann Fèis chòmhnaidh 5 latha airson daoine òga bho BS4 gu AS6 bho Dhiluain 16mh gu Dihaoine 20mh Dàmhair 2023. Bidh àiteachan-fuirich fa-leth ann agus clàran-ama co-shìnte a’ ruith airson clann ann am BS4-BS7 agus airson òigridh AS2-AS6. Faodaidh sgoilearan a tha ann an AS1 roghnachadh pàirt a ghabhail anns gach buidheann. 

Tachraidh i tro làithean-saora An Dàmhair is faodaidh daoine òga diofar chlasaichean a thaghadh bho liosta mhòr, a’ gabhail a-steach taghadh farsaing de dh’ionnsramaidean-ciùil, òrain Ghàidhlig, cumadh phuirt, dràma, ealain is eile! Tha sinn air leth toilichte gur urrainn dhuinn an tachartas còmhnaidh a thabhann do gach cuid aois òg is àrd. Tha clàran-ama co-shìnte agus clasaichean aig ìrean tòiseachaidh, eadar-mheadhanach agus adhartach a’ ciallachadh gu bheil clasaichean iomchaidh ann do gach aois is comas. Ma tha thu air a bhith aig Fèis Rois nan Deugairean roimhe seo, faodaidh dùil a bhith agad ris an aon ìre de sheiseanan, de ghnìomhan agus de chraic leis a’ bhuidheann aoise agad fhèin mar as àbhaist! Ma tha sibh nur pàrant de sgoilear bun-sgoile a dh’fhaodadh a bhith a’ fuireach air falbh bhon taigh airson a’ chiad uair aig an tachartas againn, faodaidh sibh a bhith a’ faireachdainn toilichte gun tèid cùram agus aire a thoirt dhaibh 24 uair san latha tron tachartas. 

Tha a h-uile oide againn na neach-ciùil proifeiseanta, comasach is fiosrach aig a bheil eòlas air a bhith ag obair còmhla ri òigridh. Tha sgioba luchd-stiùiridh is luchd-obrach saor-thoileach againn cuideachd a chuidicheas le bhith a’ stiùireadh nan tachartasan againn. Tha an òigridh fo stiùir an luchd-obrach fad an t-siubhail agus bidh sinn ag obair a-rèir Stiùiridhean Dìon Chloinne is Slàinte is Sàbhailteachd. Tha a h-uile neach-obrach againn na bhall den Sgeama PVG a tha air a ruith le Foillseachadh Alba. 

Tha sinn dealasach gum bi ceòl traidiseanta fosgailte dhan h-uile duine. Nam bu toigh leibh bruidhinn rinn, an dìomhaireachd, air taic dha luchd-ionnsachaidh le feumalachdan no air so-ruigsinneachd shònraichte dha ur cuid chloinne, chan eil agaibh ach fios a chur gu Christian Gamauf. 

Cuideachd, bidh sinn a’ tabhann ionnsramaidean air iasad an asgaidh do dhuine sam bith a tha feumach air inneal-ciùil.

 ‘S urrainn dhuinn àireamh bheag de dh’fhìdeagan is de dh’fheadain a thoirt seachad, ma tha feum orra ach, air sgàth nàdar nan ionnsramaidean, molaidh sinn gun toir sibh leibh ur cuid fhèin. Bu chòir fìdeagan a bhith air gleus D. 

Ma tha cosgais na seachdain-còmhnaidh a’ cur bacadh air ur pàiste a’ gabhail pàirt, nach cuir sibh fios thugainn ann an dìomhaireachd. Sa chiad dol a-mach, dèanaibh cinnteach a bheil sibh airidh air £200 de thaic bho Urras Cloinne na Gàidhealtachd: 

Sna bliadhnaichean a dh’ fhalbh, thabhainn Fèis Rois cùrsa còmhnaidh fad seachdain do sgoilearan bun-sgoile tro làithean-saora na Càisge agus seachdain air leth do sgoilearan àrd-sgoile san Dàmhair. Ge-tà, air sgàth buaidh a’ ghalair Cobhad-19 air roinn nan ealan agus a’ bhuaidh a tha èiginn cosgais bith-beò a’ toirt air teaghlaichean, tha e doirbh a thaobh ionmhais dà thachartas còmhnaidh a bhith againn. Ann an dòigh dheimhinneach, air sgàth atharrachadh gu aon tachartas còmhnaidh san Dàmhair agus cùrsa neo-chòmhnaidh ann an làithean-saora na Càisge agus leis gu bheil an dà sheachdain fosgailte do dh’aois a’ bhun-sgoile, tha e a’ toirt cothrom do dhaoine òga dà thachartas Fèis a fhrithealadh ann am bliadhna an àite aon tè a-mhain! 

Chòrd e rium gu mòr agus bha an ceòl dìreach sgoinneil.

Neach a ghabh pàirt ann an 2017

Àiteachan còmhnaidh: £350 

Tha seo a’ gabhail a-steach àite-fuirich, biadh, 20 uair de theagasg proifeasanta agus còig oidhcheannan de ghnìomhan feasgair.  

Dàrna àite-còmhnaidh chloinne: £300 

Tha seo a’ gabhail a-steach àite-fuirich, biadh, 20 uair de theagasg proifeasanta agus còig oidhcheannan de ghnìomhan feasgair.  

Neò-chòmhnaidh: £200 

Tha seo a’ gabhail a-steach oideachadh, lòn agus cothrom air a h-uile gnìomh feasgair.  

A thaobh teaghlaichean air teachd-a-steach ìosal, dh’ fhaodadh gum bi cuideachadh ri fhaighinn le cosgaisean pàiste/cloinne a’ frithealadh chùrsaichean Fèis Rois bho Urras Cloinne na Gàidhealtachd.  

Ma tha sibh airson bruidhinn mu bhith a’ faighinn taic-airgid, nach cuir sibh fios gu Fiona Dalgetty

Pàigheadh air mheidhisean 

‘S urrainnear pàigheadh airson àiteachan ann an cuibhreannan le bhith a’ stèidheachadh plana pàighidh mìosail.  

Mar eisimpleir, ma tha sibh a’ glèidheadh àite còmhnaidh do dh’aon phàiste (£350) agus gu bheil sibh airson pàigheadh bhon t-Sultain chun a’ Mhàirt, bhiodh cosgais mìosail de £50 ann. Ma tha sibh airson cuibhreannan a thòiseachadh san Dàmhair, bhiodh cosgais tòiseachaidh de £100 agus an uair sin, cosgais de £50 gach mìos chun a’ Mhàirt. Feumaidh a h-uile àite a bhith air a phàigheadh gu h-iomlan ron Mhàrt 2024.  

Ma tha sibh airson pàigheadh ann an cuibhreannan, cuiribh fios gu Lorraine.abburow@feisrois.org gus beachdachadh air clàr pàighidh. 

Luchd-oideachaidh agus clasaichean 

Tha sinn air bhioran an sgioba luchd-teagaisg ainmeachadh airson an Dàmhair 2023. Fàisg air a’ cheangal airson liosta slàn de chlasaichean: 

Bidh sinn a’ tabhann chlasaichean aig na h-ìrean a leanas: 

  • A – Adhartach 
  • UI – Eadar-mheadhanach Àrd 
  • I+ – Eadar-mheadhanach 
  • LI – Eadar-mheadhanach Ìseal 
  • IB – Neach-tòiseachaidh a’ dol am feabhas
  • CB – Neach-tòiseachaidh ùr 

Clàr-Teagaisg Làitheil 

9.30m – 10m – a’ ruighinn agus òran na Fèise 

10m – 11m a’ chiad roghainn 

11m – 11.15m – fois airson a h-uile com-pàirtiche 

11.15m-11.45m – Bidh sgoilear BS4-BS7 a’ gabhail pàirt ann an seisean-obrach Gàidhlig agus ann an geamaichean 

11.15m-11.45m – Faodaidh sgoilearan AS1-AS6 pàirt a ghabhail ann an seisean 

11.45m-12.45f – sgoilearan uile air ais gu clas na ciad roghainn aca

12.45f – 1.30f – lòn 

1.30f-2.30f – clas na dàrna roghainn (no obair-bhuidhne AS1-AS6 a tha a’ cunntadh mar dhàrna is treas roghainn) 

2.30f-3f – fois

3f-4f – an treas roghainn (no AS1-AS6 leantainn air adhart le obair-bhuidhne) 

4f – togail airson daoine nach eil a’ fuireach. Bidh ùine shaor aig luchd-còmhnaidh còmhla ri luchd-stiùiridh 

5f – dìnnear airson BS4-BS7 

6f – dìnnear airson AS1-AS6 

6.30f (BS4-BS7) agus 7f (AS1-AS6) – tòisichidh gnìomhan na h-oidhche 


You have given parental consent for your child/ward to take part in this event when you booked online. However, we will email you a separate Code of Conduct form for the participant to sign. We want to ensure that everyone has a fun and safe time when they are with us and we ask participants to sign an age-appropriate code of conduct form where they agree to treat everyone respectfully and adhere to the rules of the event, which are in place for their safety. Fèis participants must adhere to our strict no alcohol, no drugs and no smoking policy. We will call the parents/carers of any young person found to be breaching the Code of Conduct agreement and ask them to collect their child from the event. You should return the Code of Conduct form to us as ASAP but no later than Monday 9th Oct. Return your forms by email (we accept scanned signatures but not typed) or by post: Feis Rois, Robertson House, Greenhill Street, Dingwall, IV15 9JQ.


There are payphones and some card phones in Ullapool. Mobile phones are permitted but participants are asked to make all calls home before bedtime and will be asked to switch off all phones and give them to their supervisors at bed time. We want everyone to be well rested so that everyone has plenty of energy for the week! In line with our Safeguarding Policy, we are unable to provide WIFI at our events.

SUPERVISORS (House Parents)

In addition to our amazing tutor team, we have a team of experienced supervisors who look after the young people when they are not in a workshop or a class. They provide 24/7 care and are supported / managed by senior staff from Fèis Rois. Every participant, whether residential or non-residential, is introduced to their supervisor for the week at registration on Monday morning. We have ratios of one supervisor for every eight young people (P4-7) and one supervisor for every ten young people (S1-6). Our freelance supervisors escort young people to classes, meals and evening activities, and support participants with any difficulties that may arise during their time with us.

Participants – please let your supervisor or another member of the Fèis team know if you are feeling unwell or homesick, or if there is anything at all bothering you during the week.  We take very seriously the duty of care we have to all of the young people attending the Fèis and we want to ensure that everyone is happy and healthy throughout the week. All issues are dealt with sensitively by the Fèis team.


The Fèis Team will be ready to welcome participants for registration at Ullapool High School, between 10.30am and 11.30am on Monday 16th October. If you are travelling independently (i.e. not on the Fèis Rois bus), please DO NOT arrive earlier than 10.30am. During registration you will drop off your musical instruments (please remember to label them!), your luggage if you are a residential participant (see below for a handy list of what you might like to bring), and choose your evening activity for Wednesday night when we have a big programme to choose from.

Non-residential participants should register for the event between 10.30am and 11.30am on Monday and then they sign out at 4pm each day and sign in at 9.30am from Tuesday morning onwards. Secondary school pupils can sign in and out themselves. Primary school pupils need to be dropped off and collected by a parent/carer.


Fèis Rois has booked a coach to depart from Dingwall Leisure Centre at 09.15 on Monday 16th October. If you have booked a place on the bus, please arrive by 09.00 at the latest. If you did not book a place on the bus with your online application, but would like to travel on the bus, please email Christian at Christian.gamauf@feisrois.org. The cost is eight pounds.

Fèis Rois does not provide transport home from the Fèis.  Your parents are encouraged to attend the final concert in the Macphail Theatre in Ullapool High School at 7pm on Friday 20th October to hear all that you have achieved throughout the week and then take you home afterwards.


As far as possible, we accommodate requests to share accommodation with friends. We make sure that you will be staying with people the same age and gender as you but, until we know the percentage of boys and girls attending, we are unable to make up the accommodation lists until very near to the event.

Primary school pupils are in separate accommodation to secondary school pupils. Please let us know if you have siblings who would prefer to share but perhaps one is in P7 and one is in S2, and we can try to accommodate this.

Lunches and a morning snack are provided at the school for all participants, including non-residential participants – you do not need to bring pack lunches unless you want to!

Evening meals will be provided for residential participants only at The Ceilidh Place.

Please bring a labelled water bottle to use throughout the week.


2 tickets for parents/carers are included in the fee you have paid to attend the Fèis. Please email Christian.gamauf@feisrois.org if you would like to book additional tickets at the cost of £10 adults and £5 children for grandparents, siblings, friends, etc. 


You can buy Fèis Rois merchandise at registration (music books, hoodies, t-shirts, pens, badges, stickers, water bottles, beanies, etc), as well as throughout the week and at the concert on Friday 20th October. There is also an opportunity to explore Ullapool with your supervisor to buy postcards, souvenirs, etc. We know that participants will want to bring some pocket money, but they will not need a lot. We encourage parents/carers not to send their child with lots of cash that can be lost!


Please bring your own instrument if you have one. We can provide some instruments and you should have requested one when you registered online if you need to borrow one.  If you have chosen keyboard as a workshop choice, we provide school keyboards. If you are an advanced player and have a more professional weighted key electric piano, then please bring it with you.


Essential items are as follows:

•            Any medication you need – this may be handed over to your supervisor for safekeeping. (Please notify your supervisor on arrival at your accommodation of any medication you are required to take)

•            Waterproof jacket

•            Enough changes of clothing for the week, pyjamas, slippers and a dressing gown or onesie

•            Washing kit

•            1 Towel (1 towel is usually available from your accommodation)

•            Sports kit if you would like to take part in leisure activities on Monday/Wednesday evening

•            Your instrument(s) – labelled

•            A folder for keeping music sheets tidy and a pen or pencil.

•  Please bring a music stand if you prefer to read music rather than learn by ear.

•            If you are bringing a tin-whistle it should be in the key of D.

•            If you have spare strings for your guitar/fiddle etc., please take them with you

•  If you plan to play football at lunchtime, bring a pair of sports shoes to change into as the residue from the astro turf causes additional work for the cleaner if it comes into the building on your footwear.

Please make sure all of your personal belongings are clearly labelled with your name!


For our residents, you will check out of your accommodation in Ullapool on Friday morning, and we will take your luggage to the school in our Fèis van.

We ask parents / guardians to collect luggage at Ullapool High School at 4pm or at 6.30pm so that the venue is clear of all luggage in advance of the concert beginning at 7pm.


The daily timetable is as follows:

9.30am – 10am               Warm-up and whole Fèis song for everyone

10am – 11am                   First choice class

11am – 11.15am             break for all participants

11.15 – 11.45am             P4 -7 pupils take part in Gaelic language and games workshop

11.15 – 11.45am             S1-6 pupils have a chance to session

11.45am – 12.45pm       Back to first choice class

12.45 – 1.30pm               Lunch

1.30pm – 2.30pm            Second choice class (or S1-6 groupwork which counts as second AND third choice)

2.30pm – 3.00pm            Break

3.00pm – 4.00pm            Third choice (or continue groupwork for S1-6)

4.00pm                              Pick up for non-residents. Residents have free time with supervisors.

5.00pm                              Dinner for P4-7

6.00pm                             Dinner for S1-6

6.30pm (primary) and 7.00pm (secondary) Evening activities begin

The timetable is slightly different on the Monday morning.  You will have half an hour from 12.00pm – 12.30pm to meet your first choice tutor after the Feis welcome and then the timetable will continue as above.

The timetable is also different on the Friday.  The classes are as normal until lunchtime and then, after lunch, we will rehearse for the participants’ concert.


All participants (residents and non-residents) can participate in the following activities.

Monday – 7pm, Session in village hall for secondary pupils with some tutors in attendance; 6.30pm Sports at leisure centre for primary pupils.

Tuesday – 6.30pm Tutor-led activities for primary pupils before concert. 7pm – All at Tutor Concert in the Macphail Theatre. Primary pupils go to bed after the concert. Secondary pupils get to stay up later and have a session.

Wednesday – Pick from a range of evening activities. Secondary pupils get to go to leisure centre for sports or pick from a selection of other things; separate selection of tutor led workshops for primary age pupils (6.30pm start for primary and 7pm start for secondary)

Thursday – All at ceilidh in the village hall. Secondary pupils get to stay longer.

Friday – Final concert


During the Fèis week, the senior member of staff on site will be Christian Gamauf. You will receive Christian’s number ahead of the Fèis week. Messages can also be left for Christian at The Ceilidh Place on 01854 612 103.

We look forward to seeing you for a fantastic week of music and fun in Ullapool! In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the office 01349 862000 if you have any queries, or email Christian.gamauf@feisrois.org

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